Diwali Presentations Rules and Guidelines
    • Diwali Kids Presentations is project based learning, wherein you present/exhibit a topic of Indian origin that contributed to the welfare of society. You can take the help of your family in choosing, researching & developing the project.
    • Registration & Admission for the Kid Presenter is FREE.
    • FORT BEND DIWALI – VEDIC FAIR 12 will be held on Sunday 20th Oct, 2024, 3:30PM – 7:30PM.
    • Location: Sugar Land Town Square
    • Non-Presenters need an Entry Ticket to enter the event.
      Get your $5 Entry Tickets @ FortBendDiwali2024.Eventbrite.Com
    • Presenter Age: 7 years or above.
    • Deadline: Presentation Topic Should be registered online by Monday September 30th, 2024.
    • Presentation Topic should be selected from available topics on the online application.
    • Presenters should choose an unique topic & refrain from choosing the same topic they presented previously. If same topic is chosen which was presented previously by the same presenter, registration will be Rejected.
    • Presentation method– Poster board is required. Submit soft copy of the presentation for Stage Presentation. Optionally iPad/Laptop/ProjectorOption/Screen/Monitor/Props can be used…Be Creative.
    • Presentation accessories such as cables, extension cords or charging batteries or accessories is the responsibility of the presenter.
    • Sugar Land Town Square will be open for setup @ 2 PM for presenters. If required, presenter’s parents may help setup the presentation booth from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. Last check in will be no later than 3 PM. Any presenters checked in after 3 PM may not be allowed to participate.
    • Presentation will be in between 4 PM to 6 PM (Approximately). ONLY individual presentation is allowed. Parents are NOT allowed to help their children in live presentation.
    • If parents or adults are helping kids setup their booth, they need to leave booth 15 minutes prior to presentation and rest of the presentation time which is 4PM to 5PM.
    • Presentation should have Presenters Full Name, Age, Credits to people who helped them, Hours put in for presentation and Valid references.
    • Presentation Language: English
    • Be as detailed as possible in your description when submitting your registration application.
    • In case of duplication, we will let you know by eMail to choose another topic. Topic will be confirmed on a first come first basis.
    • VEDIC FAIR Chair reserves the right to accept or deny your presentation or you or your kid from presenting, participating at Vedic Fair at any time without any reason, whatsoever.
    • VEDIC FAIR Chair reserves the right, at sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately.