*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Date of Birth:
Mother Tongue:
*Main Phone:
*Sub Division/Apts Name:
*Home Address:
*City, State Zip:
*Main Email:
Does enrolling student know any of the following. Check mark all that applies.
Slokas Bhagwad Githa Bhajans Yoga
What are the interest areas of enrolling student. Check mark all that applies.
Slokas Bhagwad Githa Bhajans Yoga
How did you come to know about Ashirwad Class?
*Do you want to volunteer for Ashirwad Events?
What are your expectations on Ashirwad's Class?
Do you give your consent, for teaching YOGA to your Child? Choose No for Bhagwad Githa Class
Above information is completed by :
I am more than 18 years of age and that I am competent to sign this contract on my own behalf OR I'm authorized to complete above information & sign as a Parent or Guardian for the enrolling student. |
"Ashirwad A Blessing Temple" shall not be liable for any damage or injury arising out of Ashirwad's Indian Lifestyle / Bhagwad Class including Yoga, Vedic Fair, Letz Play Holi, Happy:) Day. I/We also know Vedic Fair & Happy:) Day are Mandatory Events and We agree to attend.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY TERMS (Click here to read) - I further acknowledge that I have read, understood and agreed to abide by "Ashirwad A Blessing Temple's" guidelines. |
AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE TERMS (Click here to read) - I affirm that I am more than 18 years of age and that I am competent to sign this contract on my own behalf. I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing authorization and release and that I fully understand its contents.